> If I understand you correctly, these are the known clients that were
> created at various points in time which can connect to NLS/Augment
> versions(?): (01)
There is another approach, which is to just write a new client.
Publish the protocol on a website and invent someone to write a
version GPL'd from the beginning. (02)
It's really a very simple protocol, unless they drastically enhanced
it from the version I used while at SRI. In fact, as one of the
authors of CRTSTY (a bit of free software from ITS that I also ported
to TOPS-20), I added a module that allowed one to pretend to be a NLS
lineprocessor while actually using any reasonable display terminal. (03)
I did this partly because I was so irritated at having to hunt around
for a (scarce/expensive) real lineprocessor, and partly because I
wanted to use EMACS commands to navigate on the screen instead of a
mouse. I have no idea whether it still works. (04)
And if you're really into retro computing, I have a copy of the
blueprints for the original 4004-based lineprocessor that I salvaged
from a trash bin. (05)
--Ken (06)