Hi Phil, (01)
I was at the Future Salon event last night
(http://www.futuresalon.org/2006/01/collecitve_iq_w.html) and met a
bunch of people. Towards the end of the event, someone asked if there
were concrete projects that could be worked on involving DKRs or any of
Doug's work. (02)
I stood up and mentioned our project. Someone asked what kinds of things
need to be worked on, and I mentioned that there were a number of areas,
such as technical, organizational, manual (scanning paper), and legal. (03)
A lawyer (Gerald Laster) came up to me afterwards and asked how he could
help. I told him I'd send him an email. (04)
<rest of message removed at request by Jonathan Cheyer...> (05)
Give me a call at a convenient moment, and we can discuss it further. (06)
Jonathan (07)